How Do Anti-Wrinkling Creams Work?

There are several anti-wrinkle creams in the market and they’re made using ingredients such as antioxidants, hydroxyl acids, peptides and hyaluronic acid.

People buy nonprescription wrinkle creams to reduce their wrinkles and reverse damage caused by the sun. But the big question is, how do these creams work? Well, the process depends on the key ingredients inside the cream. Let’s take a look at some of them.



Retinoids, also known as vitamin A compounds are known to improve the skin’s elasticity and reduce wrinkles. They increase the production of collagen- a key protein responsible for keeping your skin supple and firm. It is important to increase collagen in your skin because as you age, the level of collagen decreases. Furthermore, retinoids cause a faster cell turnover, which means at any given time, you have more young cells in your skin and these help to preserve your youthful look.


Like pentapeptides and copper peptides, peptides are found in living organisms and help to boost production level of collagen. They’re also shown to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture while healing any skin wounds on your face.


They’re known for their ability to fight free radicals—unstable molecules which cause skin aging and cell damage. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals while promoting skin repair and giving your face a healthy, glowing look. For instance, Vitamin C reduces signs of sun damage on your skin. Vitamin B3, aka Niacinamide improves skin elasticity and prevents moisture loss needed by your skin to rehydrate itself. Green and black tea extracts have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Other antioxidants like grape seed help to produce collagen in the skin.

Hydroxy acides

Another common ingredient in anti-wrinkle creams are hydroxy acids. Hydroxy acids include citric acid, glycolic acid and salicyclic acid. The act as exfoliants and remove dead skin cells while speeding up the process of growing a new skin layer. Hydroxy acids give your skin a smoother tone and brighter look--free from wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid helps to moisturize your skin. When you age, your skin loses its youthful features. Unfortunately, this means your skin loses some of its moisture and cannot replenish it easily—a factor which causes wrinkles to become more pronounced. Hyaluronic helps to absorb moisture and plumps the skin—making the skin more youthful and the wrinkles less visible.


Now that you know how anti-wrinkling creams work, you should shop for an anti-wrinkle cream that works for your skin. We recommend Allurials. They have some of the best anti-wrinkling creams available. Contact them and place your order. You’ll have a wrinkle-free skin in no time!


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