3 Ingredients to Look for in a Moisturizer
The primary reason you use a moisturizer is to keep moisture from escaping the top layer of the skin. Moisturizer creams contain ingredients called emollients that help your skin cells bind together tightly , forming a protective boundary against germs and toxins that can damage your skin. Moisturizers also contain occlusive ingredients such as petroleum jelly that form a protective barrier over the skin, trapping moisture inside. However, some moisturizers also contain other ingredients that do more than this. Here are 3 such ingredients. 1- Humectants Many people confuse moisturization with hydration; some even use the words interchangeably. But hydration is not the same as moisturization. Moisturizing ingredients passively protect the skin and prevent moisture from escaping. On the other hand, hydrating ingredients actively fray water from the air and help it bind to the skin. These ingredients are called humectants. Humectants include hyaluronic acid, gly...