Debunking 5 Common Myths about Wrinkles
Wrinkles are completely natural and are a result of aging skin. However, it’s completely normal to get concerned about your saggy lines. Many people blindly follow false skincare tips and buy unnecessary skincare products just to get skin that look like a celebrity’s—however, there’s no such thing as perfect skin. In this article, we’ve compiled some science-proven facts about wrinkles and their prevention. Myth 01: Just Because My Parents Had Wrinkles, I’ll Get Them Too! Fact: You can inherit humor or weak eyesight from your parents, but not wrinkles! Apart from genetics, there are many other factors responsible for wrinkled skin. One of the primary factors is exposure to sunlight. More than 90% of changes that occur in the skin are due to the sun’s UV rays ’ harm. It's commonly known as 'photodamage.' Other factors like environmental pollution, stressful lifestyle, and poor sleep quality also contribute to wrinkles development. Myth 02: Using Skin Moisturizers and Anti-...