How Much Does The Sun Age You?

Sun damage is the number one cause for a number of skin issues that arise, aging, in particular. The harmful UV rays of the sun penetrate deep into the layers of skin and damage the cells, which is why it’s so important to protect yourself, no matter what your age. About 80 to 90% of how young or old you look is due to the sun’s effect on your skin. The thinning of the ozone layer has done no favors in this respect either. Since more UVB rays now reach the earth, the chances of malignant melanomas and cataracts have also increased. Here are some reasons to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays: Sun exposure is responsible for 90% of skin aging The world health organization has dedicated resources to teaching people about the harmful effects of the sun. They particularly cover the health implications of UV radiation and how it increases the chances of developing skin cancer. Sun damage effects the skin that’s exposed, so generally the face, hands, feet, chest, and neck tend ...