The Only Anti-Aging Skincare Regime You Need
Environmental factors and the growing stress levels have led to many developing the signs of aging at a very early age. Women in their early twenties begin using anti-aging products to prevent signs of aging. Fine lines begin forming due to smiling, frowning, and squinting. This, coupled with the fact that the collagen production in our skin slows down after 25 means that we need to be proactive with an anti-aging regime. With so many products on the market with various extracts and active ingredients, it’s difficult to navigate your way through skin care. Here’s an anti-aging skin care regime that works on all skin types: A cleanser The first step to any skin care regime is clean skin. You need to remove all your makeup every single day no matter how tired you are. Sleeping with makeup on is the worst thing you can do to your skin. It instantly clogs pores and leads to breakouts. Soapy cleansers might make your skin feel squeaky clean, but t...